Almost 500 COVID Cases Reported by UA During First Week Of Classes
The University of Alabama recently began its first week of spring classes, welcoming students back to campus. During the first week back, UA has reported 498 COVID cases.
According to the UA System COVID-19 Dashboard, over half of the cases reported are from students of the university. The dashboard shows 358 student cases and 140 faculty and staff cases between the dates of January 10th-January 16th.
This marks the first week the dashboard has updated its numbers since December when just 10 student cases were reported.
The UA System COVID-19 Dashboard also lists the number of vaccinations. There have been a total of 22,700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered by UA healthcare providers.
According to the University of Alabama System website, The UA system health and safety task force recently transitioned to an advisory committee.
Effective January 1, 2022, the UA System Health & Safety Task Force transitioned to an Advisory Committee to continually ensure the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff across our three campuses. Campus incident command centers will be primarily responsible for the ongoing evaluation and execution of their respective COVID-related protocols. The Advisory Committee, composed of health, safety, and education specialists throughout the UA System, will monitor relevant risks and advise on policies and protocols.
The University of Alabama now requires masks regardless of vaccination status, in specified locations:
- Academic buildings, including library and classroom buildings
- Administrative and office buildings (except when distanced)
- Health care facilities, including UMC and SHC
- Campus transportation
- Other areas as officially designated by the University
For more information on COVID-19 numbers at the University of Alabama, visit the UA System COVID-19 Dashboard.
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