Academic proficiency is climbing steadily at every elementary school in the city of Tuscaloosa, relatively stagnant in middle schools and very low in its three high schools.
Employees and faculty at Shelton State, Bevill State and Marion Military Academy in West Alabama and other Community Colleges, technical schools and the Alabama Technology Network across the state are seeing a slightly fatter paycheck.
You can be greatly impacted by groups online that target individuals they feel are on the "wrong side of history". NOW, we are being told that some common, everyday phrases are racist and offensive. I promise, if you read all the way down, some of these will shock you.
A threatening post made online led to an enhanced law enforcement presence at Brookwood Middle and High Schools Friday, where an investigation thankfully found no credible threat.
A 2% pay raise has been approved by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees for the community and technology colleges and the Alabama Technology Network.