Our Spring Severe Weather season has been very active. There is the possibility of severe weather for portions of Southern Central Alabama of the Yellowhammer State. According to the National Weather Service in Birmingham, “a pocket of instability will focus across far south Central Alabama during the heat of the day, and this could support a few strong afternoon thunderstorms.”

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Saturday Afternoon


Large hail

Damaging winds up to 60 mph

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

Storm Prediction Center

There is a "marginal risk" for West and South Alabama.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

James Spann, ABC 33/40, and Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa Chief Meteorologist said that “a warm front will move into the state from the south, and then become nearly stationary. This will bring wet weather back into the state over the weekend; we expect periods of rain Saturday and Sunday with highs in the 70s on both days.

Planning Outdoor Events?

"It won't rain all weekend, but if you have something planned outside be ready for off and on rain, along with a rumble of thunder at times," said Spann.

(Source) For more from the National Weather Service Birmingham, click here. Click here to follow the Facebook Page for James Spann.

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