Here's a situation that could open a major can of worms! A man is suing Madonna because he bought tickets to an 8:30 p.m. concert, but the time of the concert was changed to 10:30 p.m.

The would-be concert goer says that he was not offered a refund and that the time change constituted a breach of contract. Read the story here.

This is a valid point.  If the tickets were purchased with the understanding of a particular time for the show to start and it did not, he is definitely entitled to a refund.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in court, as the same consideration can be applied to other situations.  For instance, when we set appointments for doctors' visits or hair appointments, we're often faced with a fee for late cancellations as our appointment times could have been given to other customers. Some stylists even require a deposit for some services.

But what happens when they don't keep the appointment?

In this day and time, we all live pretty hectic lives under very active schedules.  We set our appointments around other life events such as work, picking up kids from school, transporting children to extracurricular activities, etc.

How is it fair to be penalized for being late or not showing up at all and not receive the same consideration?  If a person arrives for an appointment a few minutes early, there is no reason why that person should not be seen within 10 minutes of that appointment time. The whole purpose of setting an appointment is to be seen within the time allotted. If that time cannot be met, said person should receive a fee for his or her wasted time.

Do you agree or disagree?  Should appointments and ticket purchases be viewed as contracts between two parties, or are they merely in place to protect one party?

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