The Toys “R” Us Going Out of Business Sale is Happening Now
Maybe we can get our Christmas shopping done early for once. According to USA Today, Toys "R" Us kicked off their store closing sales yesterday with discounts up to 30%. Those discounts are expected to get steeper as the company gets closer to closing those stores by April.
Toys "R" Us plans to close up more than 180 stores as part of its bankruptcy reorganization plans, including stores in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham.
Shoppers will be offered "deep discounts on top brand names across all product categories," according to an announcement Wednesday from the liquidation companies hired to run the sales.
In addition to marking down existing inventory at Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us stores, the liquidators said they also plan to bring in new merchandise "at even deeper discounts." Bringing in new merchandise not previously sold in stores is a common practice in going-out-of-business sales.
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