If you travel on U.S Highway 43 at all on your daily commute, you could be in for some aggravation on your drive, because roadwork started Today, to widen, resurface and restripe a portion of that road.

Authorities estimate that the project should to take a month to complete, and when it's finished, you should notice that an additional lane has been added, and hopefully, that normally congested traffic area will see an improvement in traffic flow.

The area that is being affected by the construction is Highway 43 through the Mitt Lary Road intersection, between Christ Harbor United Methodist Church and Jack’s restaurant in Northport.

Be extra alert when you're traveling that area, especially between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. (Monday thru Friday), because that is when the bulk of the construction will be taking place.

John D. McWilliams, spokesman for the Alabama Department of Transportation’s West Central Region, said in a press release last month, “At least one lane will be open at all times in each direction throughout the duration of the project. Motorists should expect possible delays and are encouraged to use caution in the work zone.”


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