Alligators belong in Florida swamp land nowhere near large cities. We've had videos of gators going for a swim in people's swimming pools as well as inside a kitchen looking for a snack. I don't want to become that snack. "Gator Snacks" sounds like something I could pick up at a gas station. A little bit sweet and a little bit sour. No thank you.
I made this discovery when staying with my daughter and grandchildren for a few days. As my 9-year-old grandson was playing one of his favorite games on Xbox, I couldn't believe what was on the screen. I yelled for him to freeze right on the level he was on, so I could snap a quick photo of what I was looking at.
The Halloween Show started in Romulus, Alabama back in 1989. All these years later, it is back! We have seen some crazy things in the years of doing these live broadcasts. A young teenage girl's eyes turning from brown to bright yellow in front of several witnesses.