All Three Southbound Lanes of Lurleen Wallace Boulevard Are Now Open
2020 has been the wildest year on record. We're in the middle of a pandemic and almost everything has been cancelled as a result. We've also made it through murder hornet mayhem, a crazy severe weather season, and the emergence of the 17-year-cicadas--but none of this prepared me for a truly unbelievable sight.
Yes, all THREE of them, y'all. I first read the news on Captain Ray's Instagram. I thought he might have been playing some sort of elaborate prank on us, but then I had to hit up downtown Tuscaloosa Saturday night after the 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular and I saw traffic flowing in all THREE lanes.
I felt as if I'd seen Bigfoot holding the Loch Ness Monster while boarding a UFO. I had to pinch myself.
I went back the next day to ensure this wasn't some sort of fever dream. I snapped this picture as proof that after literal YEARS of work, all THREE lanes of Lurleen Wallace Southbound are open.
WOW. Captain Ray says that the Alabama Department of Transportation plans to do some overnight paving work on these lanes starting tonight, but still.. I can't get over the fact that this eternal project is somehow nearing completion.
I don't know when the northbound lanes will be open, but for now let's all bask in the glory of light at the end of the tunnel.

10 Commandments of Tuscaloosa's Dumbest Drivers