Who doesn't love a good creepy story?  I know I do! It seems like there's no shortage of creepy tunnels in the United States, and many have some kind of creepy story with them.

One tunnel in east Tennessee however is said to be a "portal to hell" it's even been dubbed the "most haunted tunnel in the world."  Cut the lights, and cue the scary music.

Meet the Sensabaugh Tunnel

Google Maps
Google Maps

The Sensabaugh Tunnel is located in Kingsport, Tennessee.  It's said to be extremely haunted and some sources have even called it a "portal to hell."  I don't know about you, but a portal to hell is not anything I want to go near.

The Sensabaugh Tunnel was built in the 1920s and was named after the landowner, Edward Sensabaugh.  According to kingsporttn.gov, there are a couple of different versions of the urban legends that surround the Sensabaugh Tunnel.

In one version of this legend, Edward let a homeless man into his home as an act of charity. Their guest tried to steal jewelry and Edward confronted him with a gun. The thief grabbed Edward’s baby daughter to use as a shield and ran out of the house. He got away and drowned the baby in the tunnel.

In a second version of the legend, Edward Sensabaugh went mad and killed his entire family and threw their bodies into the tunnel.

Canva/Google Maps
Canva/Google Maps

There's a third version as well, that according to KingsportTN.gov people like to say this version is "most accurate."  In this version, Edward lives well into old age and didn't lose any children as babies.  However, he was tired of people vandalizing the tunnel so he would hide at the end of the tunnel and scream at people who dare vandalize it.


What happens if you visit the tunnel?

There are a few urban legends that describe exactly what happens, some say you shouldn't stop in it. Others say when you go through it to lock your doors and keep your foot on the gas.  The one that seems most common, however, is the legend of turning off your engine.  I'll let DangerousRoads.org fill you in on what happens when you kill your engine inside the tunnel:

It is said that if you drive your car in the tunnel and cut off the ignition or kill it your engine wont start back. Also as you look in your rearview mirror Mr. Sensabaugh will be approaching you and right before he gets to you, your engine will start.


Is this the most haunted tunnel?

Well if you do a quick Google search for "most haunted tunnel" the very first link that pops up is a link to a story about this tunnel.  So what do you think is this the most haunted tunnel in the United States? Are you brave enough to drive through it?

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