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Crimson Tide Photos / UA Athletics
Crimson Tide Photos / UA Athletics

Today is National Carrot Cake Day. And Carrot Cake happens to be college football goat coach Nick Saban's favorite cake.  Our reliable source is the Master Chef at the Sheraton Capstone. The Sheraton actually bakes Coach Saban a carrot cake every year on his birthday.

The carrot cake dates back to the Middle Ages. It was once a weird pudding. It was created when most people could not get sugar and carrots were the sweetest things out there.

The Sheraton Capstone restaurant makes a spectacular carrot cake. Honorable mention goes to the carrot cake at Full Moon BBQ. It is very good. The icing is amazing.

For the record, eating carrot cake counts as eating your vegetables.

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The 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards reveal the hilarious side of nature, with a flailing squirrel taking the top prize and plenty of giggles along the way. Keep scrolling for the wildly hysterical (and maybe a bit cute) photos.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz