Valentine's Day is a special holiday, and I'm all about the lovey-dovey stuff (as evidenced HERE)--but today's the REAL DEAL, okay? It's DISCOUNT CANDY DAY, Y'ALL!

I am all about racking up on candy on the cheap, and today's the day to do it. Most stores will have their leftover Valentine's Day candies and gift sets marked down, and I love hitting up my favorite places and scoring treats for pennies on the dollar.

I mean, Godiva chocolate truffles are delicious--but they taste even better when you know you got them for 50% off.

It's not an official holiday, but it should be. I also celebrate Discount Candy Day on November 1 and shortly after Christmas, too.

Where is your favorite place to stock up on discount candy? Walgreens and Target are always on my list, but I'm looking to add a few stores to my shopping spree. Post your faves in the comments below--and maybe I'll see you out and about!


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