My name is Jasmine Hollie. I’m a Tuscaloosa native who loves to write and create amazing content. My hobbies are acting, sleeping and pretending to pay attention to Alabama football games. Roll Tide!!
Jasmine Hollie
Northport Raising Money for Fireman’s Son Battling Cancer
Northport Mayor Bobby Herndon and other city officials are teaming up this month to assist the family of a local firefighter whose son is battling cancer.
Lightning Strikes UA Football Complex
Check out the breathtaking video Pate captured in a tweet here.
UA’s BFSA Introduces Inaugural Black History Scholar Bowl
The University of Alabama Black Faculty and Staff Association and division of student life have partenered to host the first ever Black History Inaugural Scholar Bowl. The event will take place Feb. 27th and encourages all colleges and Universities across the state to participate.