Alabama Beaches Reopen: Here’s What You Need to Know
Earlier this week Alabama Governor Kay Ivey announced the state's stay-at-home order will expire on April 30th, and more businesses could reopen. This included Alabama beaches, with some restrictions.
Many, including myself, can't wait to hit the beach and enjoy the weather but we need to be informed on the rules for beach goers so we don't violate them. According to the Orange Beach website, gathering are limited to 10 people or less, and people must keep a minimum of 6 feet from each other. Violations of this state order are classified as misdemeanors, and those who violate are subject to a $500 penalty. This new beach rule goes into effect Thursday, April 30 at 5 p.m.
Check out a full list of FAQ's about beaches during this new statewide order here.
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