If you travel on 20/59 daily, you know the struggle is real.  Cue up this song, because we're breaking down the reasons why this stretch of interstate is literally THE WORST.

1. It's basically the redneck autobahn.

There is some straight-up Mad Max stuff going down on the stretch of 20/59 from the 459 interchange to Tuscaloosa. I am pleading the 5th about my doing 85 on occasion but FOR ARGUMENT'S SAKE, let's say I've driven that fast--people still fly by me like I am standing still--ON BOTH SIDES. Why? Why y'all driving 100 MPH every day? Do you get an award when you beat your other coworkers to the office? Is that why? I'm the first one in a lot of the time, and I want my trophy. But I digress... the speed limit is like 70 MPH. I can understand going 70 or 80 on occasion, but MAN, people straight up FLY down 20/59. It's crazy.

angry driver
Vladimir Mucibabic

2. No one understands that you pass from the LEFT. 

This is a LAW, and not personal preference. Faster cars travel in the left lane, and as such, the left lane is for passing. Stop trying to flank around me when I've moved over to pass a semi and then cutting us both off. Just--ugh. Enough. Don't pass people from the right. It's dangerous, and it's dumb.

Road rage (male)

3. Slower traffic is supposed to stay in the RIGHT lane, but literally no one does that.

Look, PawPaw, I'm really happy you had a chance to take that Buick out for a spin, but you're doing 55 IN THE MIDDLE LANE, so I'm going to need you to move. This is not an isolated incident, people. It's so bad state troopers had to remind people not to do it on the regular. SLOWER TRAFFIC STAYS IN THE RIGHT LANE.

Road work ahead sign against asphalt road

4. Jesus will probably come back before the 20/59 expansion project is completed.

You know what makes a stressful morning commute fun? ROAD CONSTRUCTION! I just love driving over jacked up lanes that ruin my tires, and man oh man, do I love being six days late for work because I got stuck in a traffic jam caused by idiots who don't bother to read the 50 foot sign that says LEFT LANE ENDS MERGE NOW.


5. No one does the speed limit in the construction zone.

The speed limit is lower in a construction zone for a reason: your safety and the safety of the men and women who are busting their tails to get the project completed. Is a 45 MPH speed limit ideal for a busy commuter? NOPE. I have places to go, too, but y'all need to slow your roll up in that construction zone. The people who work there have families and you're literally endangering their lives when you blast through that piece doing 90 and checking your Snaps at the same time.

Road rage
Olaf Speier

6. Alabamians have zero interstate chill. 

I feel like I have touched on this in every point I have made thusfar, but DANG, people. Alabamians are some of the most aggressive drivers ever, especially on the interstate. The minute we merge on to 20/59, Southern Hospitality is out the window and it's every man for himself.

Female Driver Broken Down On Country Road
Catherine Yeulet

7. Seriously, y'all need to work on your manners. 

If you see a car broken down on the side of the interstate, you are to do one of the following: a) move over a lane or b) slow down. You follow the same protocol for any stopped vehicle on the shoulder of the road. You're putting people at risk when you fail to slow down or change lanes. This is not just my opinion, this is the LAW.

Line of road cones

8. Man, that road construction though.

This eternal road construction project will be the death of me (maybe I shouldn't joke about that; see #5). I live off Exit 79, and the onramp for 20/59 S is closed, so I have to deal with that. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Fun!

Car queue in the bad traffic road

9. Every time there is a wreck, traffic gets ridiculous.

Following an accident, traffic is usually routed onto US 11--so in front of my house, which is just super, especially when I am running late for work. It's even more fun when 4387482483568378157382 cars pass by and not a SINGLE ONE lets me in to the line of bumper-to-bumper traffic even though they can CLEARLY see I am waiting to turn left.

10. Add Game Day traffic to the above, and Lord help us all.

I get it: construction is part of the growth of our great city. I am proud as all get out of Tuscaloosa, but WHOO BOY, am I sick of 20/59. *weeps openly*

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